LIFETIME OF SANSKRITSpoke to a 90 year lady from zoom whilst standing outside her house and found out about her lifetime of study of Sanskrit.
Spoke to a 90 year lady from zoom whilst standing outside her house and found out about her lifetime of study of Sanskrit.
SACRED GEOMETRYVisited a teacher of Sacred Geometry who connects to the reverberations of the mantra as he works School of Sacred Geometry
Visited a teacher of Sacred Geometry who connects to the reverberations of the mantra as he works School of Sacred Geometry
BECOMING SHIVAVisited artist who has painted a fresco inspired by Sanskrit and describes at one point ‘becoming Shiva’ for one of his paintings.Jeffery's Artist Website
Visited artist who has painted a fresco inspired by Sanskrit and describes at one point ‘becoming Shiva’ for one of his paintings.Jeffery's Artist Website